Friday, July 30, 2010

Change is Good

While imagining how to start my first blog I immediately became intimidated! Staring at the blank page the thought of "I'm just not that interesting," kept replaying in my ears. Then I came to the conclusion that despite the Hollywood reality shows we all live our daily lives. While the details and status of us may differ we all share the seasons of change in our life. No matter who you are, or where you live, you will go through good times and bad times. You will experience grief and sorrow, peace and joy, and life and death.

I have discovered creation expresses its beauty differently with each changing season. We too, express beauty in our willingness to embrace change with every season of life. For that reason relationships and seasons are alike, in their beauty being released through change.

Recently, after going through a major transition involving moving and becoming engaged I found not only was I living in a new location but my life was in a different place.

As a result of the changing season I found some of my relationships ended. Similiar to the fading flower or the withering grass it is merely an illustration of change of season, change of position, and change of relationship. The principal is the same: God orchestrates the seasons, ordains the position, and appoints the changing relationships. Throughout this season there is time, process, and growth involved.

Whatever season you are in today embrace it because change is good!

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